Friday, June 4, 2010

Children's Apron and Chef Hat

Last Sunday was one of my most favourite little girls’ 3rd birthday. She loves baking with her mom so I decided to get her a cute little baking set and make an apron and chef hat to match! I found the pattern on Michael Miller Fabrics - Making It Fun and it turned out fabulous!

Bring on the muffins!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Herb Garden - Week 1

As it is June 1st, I decided to finally plant my herb garden! The weather in Calgary has been horrific to say the least but I have my fingers crossed that the freak summer snow storms are behind us.

This is my first time planting a herb garden. I love cooking with fresh herbs and have been incorporating them into my cooking for the last few years. I chose oregano, thyme, parsley, dill, cilantro, basil, chives and sage.

I chose to plant a herb garden because:
1) I understand they are easy to grow (my thumbs aren’t so green) and
2) I hate buying a big bunch of fresh herbs at the grocery store for a recipe only to use a fraction of them and watch the rest wilt and die in my refrigerator.

I decided to use two half barrels as my garden base. I look forward to posting more pictures as they continue to grow over the next few months!

Happy Growing!