Saturday, May 15, 2010

Alien Scarf

One of my favourite knitting books is called ‘Stitch n’ Bitch’, it has some great, funky patterns, is easy to follow and is a great resource for any knitting project. My brother bought it for me one Christmas and made me promise to knit him the alien scarf. I held true to my promise and surprised him with the scarf , he was thrilled. It took FOREVER to knit because of the intricate pattern but it was quite fun to do, watching the images appear in front on your eyes as you continued adding rows. Fun stuff!

The picture doesn’t do it justice (you get the best effect when you move it from side to side) but it will have to do.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Chemo Sweater

It seems when I knit anything these days I choose smaller items, scarves, baby sweaters, hats, purses and the like. I like the quick gratification of finishing a project, otherwise I get bored! However, a few years ago when I was going through chemo I needed a serious distraction. So, I found myself a pattern for an oversized cardigan and went to town. I don’t think I have ever knit anything so quickly in my life.

I have never worn my ‘chemo sweater’ but I will cherish it always, as a project that provided me with a much needed diversion and kept my hands and mind busy for a few weeks. The proportions turned out all wrong and it is really heavy and stretched looking (I think it is because I bought the cheap wool – live and learn).