Thursday, April 15, 2010

My First Quilt!

Ok, I have to brag a little, I was not just your average 19 year old, while others were skipping school and getting into trouble (ok I did that too!) I was making quilts with my best friend Sarah and her mom.

I just had to share a picture, this is one of my favorite pieces I have ever done and it was so easy! Seriously, if you can sew in a straight line you can make this quilt! It is a version of a simple log cabin design (sorry I don't have the exact pattern, but similar ones can be found at here. It is a little worse for wear now but it is nearly 10 years old.

I still remember the moment we finished our quilts, Sarah’s mom Linda asked what I wanted to name my quilt. I was new to this whole quilting thing so I pondered it for a moment. I think she was expecting something like ‘mountain sunrise’ or ‘meadow something or other’ but not me, I named my quilt Cecil! Bursts of laughter filled the room but I have never forgotten his name, can you say that about quilts or blankets you have had for 10 years?

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