Friday, January 1, 2010

Personalized Block Puzzle

Homemade gifts are a must in our family at Christmas. I come from a very crafty family and we all appreciate the love and time that go into creating a one-of-a-kind handmade piece. This Christmas I chose to make my nephew a block puzzle!

I just happened to get a swanky new camera for my birthday last month so I have been busy snapping pictures and thought what better way to incorporate my new found photography skills! I found this great block puzzle on Photojojo.

All you need is:
- 16 wooden blocks (I used 9 and got them at Michael’s)
- 2 pictures printed on matt paper to fit the size of your blocks (I did a coloured picture on one side and black and white on the other)
- ruler and something to cut with
- and some good ol’ mod podge
- I also painted a few letters and numbers on the sides of my squares

A fun and super simple personalized block puzzle, voila!

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