Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to my blog - I AM LITTLE SUSIE HOMEMAKER!

Welcome to my crafty blog, featuring my love for all things domestic, where I hope to craft, create and inspire!

A few things about me:

- My name is Shannon
- I am a domestic diva
- I love making something from nothing (knitting, sewing, quilting, crafting, cooking and beyond)
- I am NOT a professional seamstress, knitter, quilter, etc, I'm just a girl who likes to make stuff and show people they can do it too!
- I am originally from a small town in North Western Ontario, I now live in Calgary, AB Canada with my husband Kevin, our golden retriever Riley and calico cat Nala.
- I LOVE a good deal (I hope to bring you some via this blog)
- Most of my creations are born out of necessity (and boredom)
- I had a life changing experience when I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer at at age 27, I realized life is much too short and now I only do things I truly enjoy. (ok and the laundry!)
- I plan to blog about all things crafty and my quest to find healthy alternatives in a world of synthetic substitutes.

Happy Reading!

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