Friday, June 4, 2010

Children's Apron and Chef Hat

Last Sunday was one of my most favourite little girls’ 3rd birthday. She loves baking with her mom so I decided to get her a cute little baking set and make an apron and chef hat to match! I found the pattern on Michael Miller Fabrics - Making It Fun and it turned out fabulous!

Bring on the muffins!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Herb Garden - Week 1

As it is June 1st, I decided to finally plant my herb garden! The weather in Calgary has been horrific to say the least but I have my fingers crossed that the freak summer snow storms are behind us.

This is my first time planting a herb garden. I love cooking with fresh herbs and have been incorporating them into my cooking for the last few years. I chose oregano, thyme, parsley, dill, cilantro, basil, chives and sage.

I chose to plant a herb garden because:
1) I understand they are easy to grow (my thumbs aren’t so green) and
2) I hate buying a big bunch of fresh herbs at the grocery store for a recipe only to use a fraction of them and watch the rest wilt and die in my refrigerator.

I decided to use two half barrels as my garden base. I look forward to posting more pictures as they continue to grow over the next few months!

Happy Growing!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Alien Scarf

One of my favourite knitting books is called ‘Stitch n’ Bitch’, it has some great, funky patterns, is easy to follow and is a great resource for any knitting project. My brother bought it for me one Christmas and made me promise to knit him the alien scarf. I held true to my promise and surprised him with the scarf , he was thrilled. It took FOREVER to knit because of the intricate pattern but it was quite fun to do, watching the images appear in front on your eyes as you continued adding rows. Fun stuff!

The picture doesn’t do it justice (you get the best effect when you move it from side to side) but it will have to do.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Chemo Sweater

It seems when I knit anything these days I choose smaller items, scarves, baby sweaters, hats, purses and the like. I like the quick gratification of finishing a project, otherwise I get bored! However, a few years ago when I was going through chemo I needed a serious distraction. So, I found myself a pattern for an oversized cardigan and went to town. I don’t think I have ever knit anything so quickly in my life.

I have never worn my ‘chemo sweater’ but I will cherish it always, as a project that provided me with a much needed diversion and kept my hands and mind busy for a few weeks. The proportions turned out all wrong and it is really heavy and stretched looking (I think it is because I bought the cheap wool – live and learn).

Friday, April 30, 2010

My first sweater!

The first large item you knit is always such an accomplishment. When you go from scarves and mittens to an entire sweater it is quite the undertaking! I knit my first sweater when I was in high school. It took me about 4 months but was actually quite simple. The pattern uses standard stocking stitch with bulky wool (so it goes a lot quicker!) and roll neck and sleeves.

A great project for any beginner knitter. I still have it, although I never wear it anymore, I just can’t bring myself to part with it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My First Quilt!

Ok, I have to brag a little, I was not just your average 19 year old, while others were skipping school and getting into trouble (ok I did that too!) I was making quilts with my best friend Sarah and her mom.

I just had to share a picture, this is one of my favorite pieces I have ever done and it was so easy! Seriously, if you can sew in a straight line you can make this quilt! It is a version of a simple log cabin design (sorry I don't have the exact pattern, but similar ones can be found at here. It is a little worse for wear now but it is nearly 10 years old.

I still remember the moment we finished our quilts, Sarah’s mom Linda asked what I wanted to name my quilt. I was new to this whole quilting thing so I pondered it for a moment. I think she was expecting something like ‘mountain sunrise’ or ‘meadow something or other’ but not me, I named my quilt Cecil! Bursts of laughter filled the room but I have never forgotten his name, can you say that about quilts or blankets you have had for 10 years?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Personalized Block Puzzle

Homemade gifts are a must in our family at Christmas. I come from a very crafty family and we all appreciate the love and time that go into creating a one-of-a-kind handmade piece. This Christmas I chose to make my nephew a block puzzle!

I just happened to get a swanky new camera for my birthday last month so I have been busy snapping pictures and thought what better way to incorporate my new found photography skills! I found this great block puzzle on Photojojo.

All you need is:
- 16 wooden blocks (I used 9 and got them at Michael’s)
- 2 pictures printed on matt paper to fit the size of your blocks (I did a coloured picture on one side and black and white on the other)
- ruler and something to cut with
- and some good ol’ mod podge
- I also painted a few letters and numbers on the sides of my squares

A fun and super simple personalized block puzzle, voila!

Welcome to my blog - I AM LITTLE SUSIE HOMEMAKER!

Welcome to my crafty blog, featuring my love for all things domestic, where I hope to craft, create and inspire!

A few things about me:

- My name is Shannon
- I am a domestic diva
- I love making something from nothing (knitting, sewing, quilting, crafting, cooking and beyond)
- I am NOT a professional seamstress, knitter, quilter, etc, I'm just a girl who likes to make stuff and show people they can do it too!
- I am originally from a small town in North Western Ontario, I now live in Calgary, AB Canada with my husband Kevin, our golden retriever Riley and calico cat Nala.
- I LOVE a good deal (I hope to bring you some via this blog)
- Most of my creations are born out of necessity (and boredom)
- I had a life changing experience when I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer at at age 27, I realized life is much too short and now I only do things I truly enjoy. (ok and the laundry!)
- I plan to blog about all things crafty and my quest to find healthy alternatives in a world of synthetic substitutes.

Happy Reading!